Interactive Digital Map of U.S. Indian Boarding Schools
Explore the latest research through this interactive map, which was created in partnership with the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. You can find information and locations for all 523 known Indian boarding schools in the United States, as well as known Indian residential schools in Canada.

List of Indian Boarding Schools in the United States
In February 2025, NABS released its latest research identifying 526 Indian boarding schools in the United States. This three-year project resulted in the largest known list of U.S. Indian boarding schools ever compiled to date.

U.S. Indian Boarding School History
The truth about the US Indian boarding school policy has largely been written out of the history books. There were 523 known government-funded, and often church-run, Indian boarding schools across the US in the 19th and 20th centuries. Indian children were forcibly abducted by government agents, sent to schools hundreds of miles away, and beaten, starved, or otherwise abused when they spoke their native languages.

Impact of Historical Trauma
Dr. Maria Yellow Horse Brave Heart describes historical trauma as “…the cumulative emotional and psychological wounding over one’s lifetime and from generation to generation following loss of lives, land and vital aspects of culture.” – The American Indian holocaust: Healing historical unresolved grief.

Education Resources
Research and resources about the Boarding School era are spread out all over Indian Country. The National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition (NABS) has dedicated resources to creating an online database of research and information on the work being done around the U.S. and Canada on Indian boarding schools. Visit our free Research Database to explore a variety of curated materials on boarding schools. Become a member (also free for individuals) and gain access to our interactive portal where you can share additional resources and discuss the current information we've made available.